Pretty Packaging: Laser Cut Party Favor Boxes for a Picture-Perfect Wedding

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When it comes to wedding favors, the packaging is just as important as the gift itself. Laser cut party favor boxes add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any wedding. These intricate boxes come in a variety of designs and materials, making them the perfect choice for any wedding theme. In this article, we’ll explore the different types of laser cut favor boxes and where to find them.

laser cut party favor boxes

Options for Laser Cut Party Favor Boxes

1. Materials

  • Paper: Most laser cut favor boxes are made from paper or cardstock. They come in a range of colors and finishes, including metallic and glitter.
  • Wood: For a rustic or vintage look, wooden laser cut favor boxes are a great option. They can be personalized with the couple’s name and wedding date.
  • Acrylic: Clear acrylic laser cut favor boxes are a modern option that allows the gift inside to be visible. They can be filled with colorful candies or small trinkets.

2. Designs

  • Floral: Laser cut floral designs are popular for spring and summer weddings. They add a romantic and feminine touch to the favors.
  • Geometric: For a modern and contemporary wedding, geometric designs are a great choice. They come in a range of shapes and sizes, from hexagons to triangles.
  • Personalized: Laser cut favor boxes can be personalized with the couple’s name or monogram. This adds a special touch and makes the favors more memorable.

Where to Find Laser Cut Party Favor Boxes

Laser cut favor boxes can be found at a variety of retailers, both online and in-store. Here are a few places to start your search:

  • Etsy: Etsy is a great place to find unique and personalized laser cut favor boxes. There are hundreds of sellers offering a range of designs and materials.
  • Amazon: Amazon has a wide selection of laser cut favor boxes at affordable prices. They offer free shipping on many items.
  • Wedding Supply Stores: Local wedding supply stores may carry laser cut favor boxes. This is a great option if you want to see the boxes in person before purchasing.
laser cut boxes


1. How much do laser cut party favor boxes cost?

The cost of laser cut favor boxes varies depending on the material and design. Paper boxes typically range from $1-3 per box, while wooden and acrylic boxes can cost up to $5 or more.

2. What size are laser cut favor boxes?

Laser cut favor boxes come in a range of sizes, from small boxes that can hold a single truffle to larger boxes that can hold a small gift. Be sure to check the dimensions before purchasing to ensure the box is the right size for your needs.

3. Can laser cut favor boxes be personalized?

Yes, many laser cut favor boxes can be personalized with the couple’s name or monogram. Some sellers may also offer custom designs for an additional fee.

In Conclusion

Laser cut favor boxes are a beautiful and practical choice for wedding favors. They add an extra touch of elegance and sophistication to any wedding. With so many designs and materials to choose from, it’s easy to find the perfect laser cut favor box for your big day. Be sure to shop around and compare prices to find the best deal.

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